viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Blog Planning

3 comentarios:

  1. good evening teacher this is my job from personal information
    my name is:juliana marulanda alvarez
    i have 11 years
    my birthday is in:april
    my favorite color is:black and white
    my mom is call: diana
    my father is call: andres
    I istudy in the: agustiniano
    I live in: colombia
    city: medellin
    my food favorite is: chicken
    and im in sixth grade

  2. good evening teacher this is my job from personal information
    my name is:ximena palacio patiño
    i have 11 years
    my birthday is in:september
    my favorite color is:pink
    my mom is call: nayiber
    my father is call: david
    I istudy in the: agustiniano
    I live in: colombia
    city: medellin
    my food favorite is: spaguettis
    and im in sixth grade

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
