domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2020


Hello dears, In the next video you can practice vocabulary, sentence structure and listening to learn a lot about professions.  I hope you enjoy it.

16 comentarios:

  1. profesor soy juan david oquendo ruiz me a servido mucho sus videos gracias por su colaboracion

    att: Juan David Oquendo Ruiz

    my favorite professions is being a veterinarian and a biologist

  3. I Teacher I am Sebastian
    my favorite profession is teacher

  4. My name is Sara villa rios and the profession I most like is the artist because I like how they can express their feelings with pictures, draws and painting.I think it is a way to change the world.I also like the singers.doctors,firefighters and all the others because they like to help the people.My mother is a publical worker at the mayor´s office and my father takes care of us.

  5. My name is Juan Camilo Marín Morales from grade 7. The profession I would like is to be a social communicator since the news makes me look very attractive, I am also a soccer player or a plastic surgery doctor and father is a supervisor at invesa and my mother is a public administrator . Teacher they teach me English very well, you are the best

  6. My name is Suzanna Salazar Muñoz, seventh grade. The profession that I like the most is that of a singer because I believe that from songs or music in general messages can be transmitted that help us change to be better, I think it can be a way of expressing emotions. I also like the profession of artist as it is also a good way to express what we feel through art. My mother is a sociologist and university professor and my father is a theater director and actor.

  7. My name is Karen Zapata arias, seven grade i prefer to be an dance because i like dance i like what i express many emoticón it's also something i like ti do a lot .
    My mather Work as homewife
    My father works as electromechanical

  8. My name is Maria Jose Mejia from the seventh grade.

    My favorite profession is nursing, since you can help other people with their health.

  9. Hello teacher fabio, I am Miguel Angel Rico Echeverri From grade 7. My favorite profession is being a lawyer because i really like politics and I dont like injustices, i also like being a soccer player and being a politician (but a politician of the good ones) My mother I work as a teacher and my father as a businessman, greetings


  10. My name is Estefany Arango Gomez, from the seventh grade the profession that I like the most is that of veterinary medicine because I want to help animals to feel better and make a more friendly world for them. I also like to be an animal trainer so that they are more passive and defend themselves.
    My mother is a secretary and works in an office, my father is a driver and works as a taxi driver.

  11. My name is Samuel Ocampo Jiménez, I am in the seventh grade, the profession I like the most is being a doctor in this profession, we help save lives, my father and mother work designing and producing clothing (blouses)

  12. My name is Tomas , I like to be chef , because I like to prepare food and invent recipes. I also like to be a doctor to help to the people . My mother is a housewife , she organizes and keeps the house clean and my father works in a service station , he load the cars with gasoline .

  13. My name is Daniela Abello , the profession that i like the most is a truck driver because i would have many adventures and discover new places while i work. Another of the professions that i like is being a pediatrician.
    My mom is a teacher and My dad is a maintenance worker

  14. Hello teacher, que I would like to be a nurse because i want to help people

  15. hello teacher my name is elizabeth carmona, I would like to be a criminologist and an actress, since I like those two careers a lot because I like to investigate things and you know something interesting and an actress because I would like to be famous and inspire other people to be actresses too

  16. my name is Maria Camila Grass, seventh grade, the profession that i like the most is veterinary medicine since it could save many animals, i would like to rescue theam
