lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Practice Daily Routine

35 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. That's too good, continue practicing

      my daily routine is:
      I get up at half past twelve, I bathe, have breakfast and brush my teeth, then I do my homework until eleven thirty, then I get ready for my virtual classes at twelve o'clock until four in the afternoon, then I have my lunch box , I play video games for an hour, then I share with my family and we watch television, we have dinner, we pray, I brush my teeth and I go to sleep at nine thirty at night.

    3. I get up at eight in the mornig and tidy up my room. I bathe at nine in the mornig, my breakfast is at nine thirty, I brush my teeth. I watch TV from ten to eleven in the mornig. I take my pet for a walk from eleven to eleven thirty in the morning.At twelve I star virtual clases until four in the afternoon.from four to six i play play, soccer, basketball.from four to six I do my homework.Dinner at eight at night. I watch TV from eight thirty to ten at night.i brush my teeth. To bet around ten at night

    4. i am daniel stiven leon arboleda

      i always wake up at ten o`clok more later eat my favorite breakfast they is zucaritas with miik.

      at tweklve start to virtual class later eat my lunch and take a shower for continue virtual class until five miik.

      this is my daily roautine and later sometimes lam sieer at a o´clok

  2. simon castrillon betancur
    I get up at half past
    I brush my teeth at nine O´clock
    do my homework at quarter past nine
    Take a shower at eleven O´clock
    I'm going to virtual class at twelve O´clock

  3. first breakfast then I watch television then when I die then you will get tired and then I play cell phone and then before I eat my bath and then I fall asleep

  4. samuel betancur cano sexto
    I get up at half past eight in the morning, I take a bath, I have breakfast and I brush my teeth. At twelve I prepare for virtual classes, after lunch classes, I start doing telleres until six in the afternoon and then I see videos on the cell phone until eight o'clock at night and then I watch television with my family, I have dinner, I brush my teeth and I go to bed

  5. tomas zapata sanchez

    I do my homework at a quarter past nine.
    I take a shower at eleven o'clock.
    I go to virtual class at twelve o'clock.
    Mesbrush at four o'clock.
    I fall asleep at ten o'clock.

  6. Melanie Michelle Maria Monery

    my daily routine is:
    I get up at seven-thirty in the morning, then I'm going to bathe and brush my teeth at seven and forty-five; then I look at eight-thirty, then I'm going to have breakfast at eight and fifty-five, and then I'm going to do chores at nine o'clock until I finish at five o'clock

  7. My name is Adrian Zapata Ramirez
    My daile routine is:
    I get out of bed at 9:00 o'clock, take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast, at 11 o'clock in the morning I start my tasks, at 2 o'clock I have my lunch and continue with my tasks until 4 in the afternoon , and I have a snack, then I play with my friends online until 9 at night, I have my dinner and I get ready to sleep

  8. My name is Melina Cadavid Osorio
    This is my routine:

    I wake up at five past eigh, then I brush and have breakfast at quarter past nine, then I shower at 10 o'clock.

    Then I go to my virtual classes that are at twelve o'clock, then lunch at half past two, after all this I do my long guides, at four o'clock, after doing some guides, I rest a little and play with My friends video games, after playing, I have dinner at five past eight. After dinner I brush my teeth at four past nine and after that I go to bed at five past nine.


  9. Josué giraldo Duque me levanto a las ocho y media me lavo los dientes después de que me levanto desayuno a las ocho y cuarenta y cinco me baño a las nueve y cuarto hago mi tarea a las nueve y media voy a la clase virtual a las doce en punto Almuerzo a las dos de la tarde me cepillo a las dos y quince o dos y media luego de haber almorzado Tomó el algo a las cuatro o cuatro y cuarto me cepillo después sigo haciendo mis tareas del colegio como a las ó siete y media o ocho y diez luego me cepillo vuelvo y me baño para acostarme fresquito

  10. Josué Giraldo Duque I get up at eight thirty I brush my teeth after I get up breakfast at eight forty-five I take a shower at nine fifteen I do my homework at nine thirty I go to virtual class at twelve o'clock Lunch at two in the afternoon I brush at two fifteen or two thirty after having lunch I had something at four or four fifteen I brush afterwards I continue doing my homework at about seven thirty or eight and ten then I brush I go back and take a shower to lie down cool

  11. hello my name is susana rodriguez and this is my daily routine i get up at ten past eight after breakfast at nine i take a shower at half past nine i do homework at eleven lunch at one i do homework until six and go to sleep at ten


    this is my daily routine.

    I get up at eight o'clock, at 10 o'clock breakfast then at twelve o'clock I attend my virtual classes after classes I do my homework, at seven o'clock I have dinner, I watch a little TV and finally at ten thirty I go to bed.


    I get up at 8 a.m., 8:30 a.m. breakfast, at 9:00 a.m. I bathe at 12:00 p.m. I attend classes, at 5:00 p.m. I go to workshops and at 10:00 p.m. I go to sleep

  14. Hi, my name is Ana Sofia Muñoz Sapia.
    My daily routine is:
    I get up at 9:00 o clock, i have breakfast at 9:30 am, i brush my teeth at 10:00 o clock, i take a shower 10.05 am, i study in virtual class at 12:00 o clock, i do homework at 4:00 pm, i go to bet at 10:00 o clock.

  15. Matias Chanci Ceballos Sexto
    I wake at 8:30. I take a shower at 8:45. I take breakfast, then I brush my teeth. Then I do homework every day. I have lunch everey day at noon. After I have milk with my sister and my mother. I Finish homework at 5:30. After I watch TV at times. I go to sleep at 9:30


    I get up at ten in the morning, take a shower and then have breakfast.
    At eleven o'clock in the morning I do some work to finish, I start virtual counseling at twelve o'clock, before the next counseling begins, lunch, at the end of classes I finish some homework.
    At five in the afternoon I play with my cousins and have fun, when my mother comes home from work: we eat and watch series on Netflix.
    At ten o'clock I brush my teeth and put on my pajamas to sleep until the next day

  17. Emanuel Moreno Arango

    I get up at 9 o'clock
    Then I take a shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast at 10:30, do homework and finally join the virtual classes at 12 o'clock.

  18. My name is Ana Sofia Velez Villada, I am currently at my grandparents' house in Carolina del Principe and my daily routine is as follows:

    I wake up and have breakfast, then I review some guide and I go to bathe to enter classes at 12, I have to do lunch between one class and another, after the last class I review the guides, I do not always do the guides because I'm bored with the virtual studio.
    At night I go to YouTube and around 7 and I go to bed at 9 or 9:30.

  19. My name is nicole martel García, My daily routine is every morning I wake UP at 8am, then I breakfast cereal with milk and bread with cheese. After I take a shower I wash My teeth and I do the homework until at twelve 12 that begins the virtual class. At 1pm I take My lunck very fast and continúe in the class and I am studiyng until 4pm that virtual class finish. I eat sanduwich with juice and continúe I do homework until a or 10pm. Then I wash My teeth and I go to the bed and I watch TV while sleep.

  20. nicole perez 6°
    my daily routine is:

    in the morning I wake up with 8 to 12 o'clock, then I brush my teeth, then I go to breakfast. After breakfast I bathe and comb my hair. I put on my clothes, meanwhile I turn on my computer for my classes. After school I have lunch and start doing my homework, and at night I have dinner and then I go to sleep.

  21. Ailynn's daily rutine
    I get up at 9:00 o'clock every day.
    Then I go to brush my teeth and I have breakfast with my family. Then I organize my room. Then I take a break. I have a shower at 12:00 o'clock. I start classes by zoom until at 4:00 o'clock. Then I have lunch my mother after lunch we go for a walk or watch TV at night I play video games. Then I eat something light.
    Finally at 11 o'clock I put on my pijama and I go to bed.
    Sometimes I make a prayer before sleeping.

  22. Hi
    my name is susana garcia villada and my routine is I get up at 8:30 I organize my room I take a bath at 9:00 oclok I brush my teeth I comb my hair at 11:00 oclok I organize everything for my classes at 12.00 oclok I enter class and wings 2:00 oclok lunch at 3:30 I start doing workshops at 6:00 oclok as and at 11:30 oclok I go to sleep
